Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I don't procrastinate... but I plan to in the future.

Ok, I might have a smidge of procrastination problem. You might notice that I registered this blog in February of 2003, and yet my first post was just 3 days ago.. TWO AND ONE HALF YEARS LATER!!!!!... I don't mean to procrastinate...but it seems to be the only thing I do in a timely manner.

Recently on one of my loops, everyone was talking about their office space. I took a good look at the corner I call an office and cringed just a bit. It was a mess. Actually, that's too generous. It had a nice base layer of mess, topped with many piles of chaos. It's not a pleasant place to be, and yet I seem to spend a huge percentage of the day there.. never really accomplishing anything. In addition to my procrastinating talents, I'm also an avid excuse maker. It is not long before I decide the reason for my office junk pile is that I never actually unpacked from our recent move. And when I say "recent" I mean over a year ago. In fact, this might not be so much procrastination as preparation. In the 13 years Jim and I have been married, we have moved 8 times. I figure another move is just around the corner and I will be ready for it.

Well, I don't know if tonight was a battle with procrastination or just an innate inability to be that prepared... whatever the reason, I finally unpacked my office. I sorted, filed, tossed, rearranged until I found that my chair could actually roll across the floor. I knew it had wheels, but I was hopelessly pile locked until tonight.

I'm thrilled. My space is well, spacious.. and I'm pretty sure I can still find things tomorrow. Unfortunately, with all the de-piling, it appears I destroyed the hidey hole of a mouse. He crawled through the office after all was said and filed, searching earnestly. If I could speak squeak, I'm sure he was saying, "I know the pile was here when I left... and me, without pile insurance!!!"

Here's the thing.. I'm not sure I want an office mate, so I suppose I will put out a mousetrap... but maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have his friend living here under my stove. If you want, I can ship him to you, so they can keep each other company??
